February 29, 2012

Talking 'bout MY GUYYYYYYY....

I have a man who surely is a mystery . so i thought to my huge follwing of TWO people. i shall introduce my man:

this is me and him in Bali
Quick summary
We met just over a year ago in october 2010. We rushed straight into a relationship. I got a lot of hassle from friends because of the age gap, but if you met him you would understand the age gap is the opposite way around with regards to being mentally older.

He makes me smile so much. He also annoys the hell out of me. He can have me that annoyed that i am crying. I hate crying. But he still makes me smile and he makes it worth it. He kept me sane through very rough times. Stayed by my hospital bed when i was adamant i was dying ( was just an ovarian cyst). He seriously is the best of me and yet knows how to bring out the worst in me. 

I find a relationship is best when you argue. We disagree on so much but neither one of us in the relationship is in charge. Nobody wears the pants. We both have  our opinions and we both allow each to state it. Thats why we argue. I think the sky is blue he sees greens, greys, pinks and blues. 

How we met
One night I was lying on my bed at my parents house, all ready too go out, when a friend i was ment to go out with cancelled. I was very upset. When another friend texted me, she wanted to go to some guys birthday party. She informed that the said birthday was her sort of "set up date" by her close friend Josham. So she didn't want to go along and wanted me as back up. At said time I was 19 she was 27. So me being the nice friend I agreed. I mean hey I was ready to go out and I wasn't going to let my 45 mins of curling hair go to waste. 
So she came and got me and drove me to a party which was out in the bush 45 minutes away from house. Im sat in the car asking my friend what the hell she thought she was doing hiking me out this far inland. 
Anyway we got to the house and she introduced me to her friend Josham, and his friend "lil" Nick ( because he is small) and said birthday boy Damo. I preceded with niceties " hey how you going" " yes i am english" blah blah blah. For the majority of the night we sat with Josham and Nick. When Josham asked Nick to get me a drink. Well i'm a beer drinker. My real mum owns a pub in england. I was brought up with older men and beer. So imagine my surprise when Nick came back with a UDL ( fruity girl vodka drink). I looked at the poor bloke in shock asking him what the hell was this and was there no beer. Which apparently got the attention of Josham and conversation started. We talked about his tattoos which were of his kids names, what he did for work. The usual drunken talk came about when he said... now this has to be put into real conversation form : 

Him "I have a trick for ya"
Me "Really what is it ?"
Him " I bet you 50cents, I can make your boobs move without touching them"
so my brain is going i am not letting this stranger touch my boobs. I turn to look at my friend and shes encouraging me to see the trick. She says nothing bad will happen to me. So the naive me says:
Me "Go on then"
Which resulted in his hands grabbing my boobs and shaking them, and giving me 50cents. 
Him " I loose"

So this guy has just touched my boobs, everyone is laughing as apparently my face was a mixture of not knowing whether to slap him or crack up laughing. So I just sat in shock. After that me n Josham was on a whole 'nother level of conversation. I then informed my friend we had to go home ( it was around 12, and i had work at 9). So her being her invited Josh to the car and told him she would drop him home. 

So i sat front seat as far away from this guy as possible. We got to my place when the even more weirder happend. He told me i should go back to his place, and watch tv. Now this is a 27 year old asking to watch tv at 12am at night. Now i may have fell for the first trick, but i am not easy. I refused to much dismay of the people in the car, and walked straight into my house feeling very good about myself. 

About 15 minutes from entering my house i receive a text from my friend 
" Josham wants your number should i give it too him"
I know, i know very high school. Either way i just said yes, and fell asleep texting him. The next day after work we planned to meet up. Me and my friend and Josham and Damo. Weeks followed, of him driving me around in his truck, more movie nights and drinks. Were eventually Josham made it official. 

His humor is still the same. He is still the same man. One thing i know is he keeps me happy and i love him . 

Thats my mini blog about him :) 

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